Saturday afternoon I thought I would relax in the pool so I put on my hat and got on my raft but I could feel something on my head. I brushed it but still could feel something so I brushed it again. The thing jumped in the pool on my legs -- you have never seen anybody move so fast. I screamed and started running for the stairs with this creature swimming after me. In the water it swam like a snake. Did I mention Jeff and I just watched untamed and uncut on the animal channel where a cobra was on. I was sure it was going to bite me. Jeff came running to my rescue only to find out it was a 3 inch lizard. Geez lost 30 years of my life in a matter of minutes.

Saturday night Jeff and I went to the new house where I watched the sunset from the solana (and got 2 more yellow fly bites). aaahhhh Came home to about 2000 ants crawling on the front of our house. Where did they come from? Jeff nuked them and now our house glows in the dark.

And to think you survived Africa with less drama than you're having in Florida!!
How true, Peggy! Wow, your had really swelled up!
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